Premium, high resolution, high quality, full body cartoon Avatar Creator for male and female characters, fully customizable from the skin color or hair dresses to the clothing. Aimed for game and app developers, suitable for personal use too.

Avatar Creator for Commercial Use


Available Avatar Sets (20/40)

Avatar hombre
female full body avatar creator

App or game developer?
Need hundred of avatars?
Want to engage users?

Get a very affordable avatar creator with hundred of items and thousands of combinations. Premium graphics, high resolution, full body Avatar Creator for man and woman characters, fully customizable. Editable from the skin color or hair dresses to the clothing.

Basado en Photoshop

Photoshop Based

Edit PSD files with any Photoshop version.

Intercambia items

Switch your Items

You can switch items from different sets.

Archivos por capas

Editable and Layered

Use layered source file for easy editing.

Actualizado mensualmente

Updated Monthly

Lots more sets for male and female in production.

Alta resolución

High Resolution

File dimension of 2200 x 3000 px approximately.

avatar manager

Avatar Manager

Including a Photoshop script to handle all avatar items.

30 items por set

Customise it

+30 customisable items for men and women.

Ayuda a Desarrolladores

Fully Documented

Support, documentation and custom scripts for developers.

Photoshop Avatar Manager

PAM is a custom Photoshop script. Developed to save you the hassle of managing hundreds of layers. Change the color skin, choose pre-made sets, change items or color. In only a few clicks!

*** PAM is tested for Photoshop CC versions under PC and Mac. If you have a previous version, please, get in touch.

Mujer creador avatar

avatar face customization

Avatar personalizable hombre

Customizable Full Body Avatar maker

Cada Set contiene entre 15-20 items. Lo que quiere decir que hay entre 600-800 items con 6 variaciones de color a elegir. También puedes editar, combinar o crear nuevos items tú mismo.

6 Color Variations per Item

Cada item viene en 6 colores diferentes. También incluye un archivo de Photoshop por capas. Así puedes editarlos y crear nuevas combinaciones fácilmente.

Hombre dress up
Mujer dress up


Avatar with 10 skin tones!

Elige entre 10 tipos de piel, desde piel clara a muy oscura. Puedes crear avatares de todas las razas del mundo: asiático, latino, afro, caucásico… incluso vampiros, robots, zombies y hasta alienígenas!

Facial features adapt to the skin

Some avatar generators change the skin tone by using transparency, easy job but poor results. We create all skin items manually.


Avatares de futbol
Avatar disfraces

Custom sets & Special Editions

We can create custom avatar sets on demand so you can promote your own events. We also create sets for certain massive events like Champions League, Halloween or Carnival.

Also Female Avatar creator!

Nuestro Creador de Avatares de cuerpo completo está disponible para hombre y mujer. Cada set de la versión masculina tiene un correspondiente en la versión femenina: avatares deportivos, avatares zombie, avatares elegantes…

Generador Mujer Avatar

From Zero to Hero Backgrounds

Con el objetivo de fidelizar a los usuarios puedes integrar el avatar en fondos ilustrados. Con 14 niveles de progresión: desde pobreza extrema a realmente rico.

ilustración avatar 09
ilustración avatar 05
ilustración avatar 00


PAM is a custom Photoshop script developed to save you the hassle of managing hundreds of layers. Change the color skin, choose pre-made sets, change items or color with only a few clicks!

Download Sets & PAM

Place your purchased Flat.psd and PAM.jsx file in an empty folder.

Load PAM in Photoshop

In Photoshop: File > Scripts > Browse and select PAM.jsx

Let it Happen

First time PAM needs around 30 seconds per set. Second time just a few seconds.

More Avatar Creator combinations soon!!

I have created around 20 sets per genre but you can combine them to create new combinations, those are just a small amount of the avatars you can create.

full body avatar

Frequently Asked Questions

Replies to the most common questions are listed here, feel free contact me if you need support.

Pregunta al Profesor



Full documentation about SOSFactory Photoshop Avatar Creator can be found at Avatar4Devs FAQ.